Apr 17, 2011

Thrift Haul - 04/17/2011

 This weekend, I...

1. I had a delicious glass of strawberry sprite! The strawberries were from the orchard where I work, the first of the season. Also note the beautiful glassware (which I adore).

2. We went thrifting! I found a few new (to me) dresses and the following...

Amazing 80's sequined dress. I so wish this was in my size, but it's currently on it's way to someone who will love it very much!

I'm a sucker for Disney sheets. Or Disney anything, really.

How ridiculous is this Fiddler on the Roof artwork?!?!? Had to have it.

And a pirate hanky. For when I go " Aaarchoo!" 

3. We wandered around downtown Blue Ridge. Phillip caught up with old friends and we both bought too much candy. :)

4. And I actually got some sewing accomplished!

Rikku offered some moral support.

30 patchwork squared sewn!


A favorite...

How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That sequin dress is unstoppable! I have such a soft spot for anything that sparkles.


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