Blue Ranger (sans helmet) vs. Ash Excuse me... triceraranger... *cue eye roll*
Happy (belated) Halloween!

We had a lot of fun last night, parading around. The sad thing about living in such a small area, is that people's costumes generally arent creative or original at all. Except for the off inflatable toucan or giant head, the majority of children just weren't up to snuff.
Not that i can talk. I didnt end up finishing my costume, so I made myself a candy corn skirt to wear instead. At least I was in the spirit!
And in answer to the question...Ohio. The ranger mask is in fucking Ohio. Nevertheless, people still knew who he was, although he did get some snickers. (not the chocolatey kind). One of these years, he's going to be the Green Ranger, and I'll be the pink one.
Note: He is a zyuranger. Not a power ranger. He was quite stern about this differance. (If you watch the japanese Zyuranger, its very good. I recommend it.)

Dorothy and Ash (from Evil Dead, if you dont know) He had this amazing mini chainsaw that he found at a dollar store, which was PERFECT.
After some cookie cake, smarties, and beverages everyone headed home and I did a small Samhain ritual. ( i was tired.) It was a very good night. ^_^ Hope everyones was safe and filled with candy!
Hapy new year!